One of the most common challenges faced by households is deciding what to cook for dinner. Even with the necessary groceries on hand, coming up with new ideas can be difficult and time-consuming. This often results in wasted food as we tend to overlook items at the back of the refrigerator and forget about groceries that we have purchased. In addition, there is currently no easy solution that can suggest meals based on available ingredients, preferred cuisine, dietary needs, and personal preferences (such as vegetarian or non-vegetarian). Our goal is to address this problem by providing a convenient and personalized solution that helps households make the most of their ingredients while catering to their unique tastes and needs.
Our product aims to solve the daily dilemma faced by households on what to cook for dinner. By utilizing available ingredients in the kitchen and refrigerator, our product will suggest food dishes and provide a weekly meal plan tailored to their preferences. This will not only help save time and effort but also reduce food waste by utilizing ingredients that might otherwise go unused. In addition to suggesting recipes, this app aims to provide a comprehensive view of grocery stores and their inventory, including prices and availability. This feature will make it easy for users to create a shopping list within the app and decide which store or vendor they would like to purchase each item from.
Key points on how this will be addressed
- Users will be able to register and input their preferred cuisine, dietary needs, and personal preferences (such as vegetarian or non-vegetarian). They can also add the ingredients or food items available in their kitchen or fridge.
- Our product will suggest meal options based on the user’s inputs above, taking into account what ingredients are available.
- Using the user’s grocery and ingredient data, our product will provide a personalized weekly meal plan.
- Our product will showcase popular recipes for the suggested dishes.
- We will encourage feedback from users to provide additional suggestions for ingredients to purchase or highlight items that are running low in their kitchen.
- Unified shopping list based on available grocery and fresh food players in the market.